Starting to Play Pokemon Go Again After 3 Years
Pokémon Become is now over three years old and information technology has come a long mode since the game was originally released dorsum in 2016.
You may have heard - or even seen in local parks - a summer resurgence for the game. A big reason is Squad Go Rocket has arrived, invading PokéStops and attacking Trainers with their fearsome Shadow Pokémon.
That's not all, though - in the by few years and months, the game has seen many new features and changes. The Pokédex has gone beyond the original 151 to holding entries for Gen four and beyond. You can finally boxing and trade Pokémon with other Trainers, inquiry tasks offer fun fiddling challenges while special enquiry quests give you the chance to catch Mythical Pokémon, like Mew.
Whether you stopped playing Pokémon Go afterward that first summer, or have been dipping in and out since day one - this Pokémon Become tips and tricks page is for y'all.
Team Go Rocket take arrived in Pokémon Go
In what is definitely 1 of the biggest and virtually exciting updates Pokémon Go has received yet - Squad Get Rocket invaded the earth of Pokémon Go!
Team Become Rocket grunts are invading PokéStops and challenging the Trainers who visit them to boxing. If you can defeat the grunt, then you'll take the opportunity to take hold of their Shadow Pokémon.

Shadow Pokémon are creatures whose hearts have been corrupted by evil. If you want them to return to normal, with some added bonuses, then you must purify them by spending a mixture of Candy and Stardust.
At that place is as well a Special Research Tasks storyline - A Troubling Situation - to help introduce you lot to these exciting new features.
Information technology's now much easier to detect out your Pokémon's stats

Thanks to the recent revamped Appraisal feature in Pokémon Go, it's at present easier than ever to work out your Pokémon'south stats and IVs and build a powerful squad to take on Team Rocket, Raids and other players in battle.
Only like in the main Pokémon games, each Pokémon in Pokémon Become has a set of stats - Attack, Defence and HP - that help decide how potent it is. These stats are and then combined into an overall CP and Iv ranking for that Pokémon, and the reworked Appraisal feature now gives you a ranking for each 1, plus an overall star rating.
This is all the more important with the arrival of Team Rocket, who are amid the most challenging encounters in the game - then you know which of the game's best Pokémon are worth investing your Candy and Stardust in.
Gen 4 is here - and Gen v is on its way
Throughout 2018, Nianitc has been busy releasing the Gen 4 Pokémon into the wild. At present that virtually the entirety of the Sinnoh region Pokémon tin can exist added to your Pokédex, nosotros can expect some Gen five critters to start making an appearance presently.
Especially since the third ceremony image for Pokémon Go teased their introduction by including Gen 5'southward starter Pokémon.
For more data, check out our guides on Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4 and Gen five.

In that location's a range of daily activities to complete
Field Research tasks were introduced in 2018 and are a smashing mode to keep yourself busy in Pokémon Go.

Each task is basically a little claiming for you lot to complete. It could be anything from catching 10 Normal blazon Pokémon to hatching 5 eggs. You'll receive a advantage for completing a Field Research Task, which including encounters, Stardust, Rare Candy and other rewards.
You lot receive Field Research Tasks by spinning PokéStops and y'all can have up to three different Field Research Tasks active at in one case.
Completing a specific Field Research Chore is as well the merely style you can encounter Spinda - a Normal type Pokémon from Gen 3. Every month a new form of Spinda is released and every calendar month it is hidden by specific, usually quite hard, Field Inquiry Task.
Too, for every day yous complete a Field Research Task, y'all'll receive a stamp - seven stamps equals a Research Breakthrough. Not only will this supply you with fifty-fifty better rewards, possibly including a Sinnoh Rock, simply you will get the hazard to grab either a very rare or Legendary Pokémon.
Don't forget to collect your daily and weekly experience bonuses from catching your first Pokémon and spinning your outset PokéStop of the day either!
Special quests see yous catch Mythical Pokémon

Special Research Tasks are a fix of specific tasks for you to complete that follow a storyline. These storylines are divided into a number of steps and you have to consummate iii different tasks to complete each step. Every task and reward are the same for every player.
There are currently v live Special Research Chore storylines, 3 of which ultimately advantage you with a Mythical Pokémon - A Mythical Discovery for Mew, A Ripple in Time for Celebi and Let's Go Meltan. We too know that Jirachi will soon be joining them, thanks to its appearance at the Go Fests in 2019.
Jump-Start Research is designed to introduce new and returning players to the many features of Pokémon Go, then if you lot oasis't played for a while this is the storyline to play. Meanwhile, A Troubling Situation teaches y'all how to defeat Team Go Rocket.
Get involved in a Pokémon Go Customs Day
Community Days are when the whole Pokémon Become community comes together, and is arguably the best mode to see new players in your area.
Occurring once a month, each Community Day is themed around a specific Pokémon that is usually very hard to take hold of. This special Pokémon tin can be anything from a starter Pokémon, such as Mudkip, or a rarer one typically found in 10k eggs, like Bagon or Dratini, helping you lot fill in your Pokédex and give you lot easy admission to powerful creatures and some of the Best Pokémon in the game.
For iii hours on the Community Twenty-four hour period, you'll hands exist able to detect spawns of this special Pokémon, which tin can also larn a special motion. During this time period, y'all tin can likewise take advantage of a variety of bonuses, including 3-hour lures or double experience points.
Brand friends to battle and trade with in Pokémon Go
You lot can now build up a Friends Listing on Pokémon Go. Simply access the Friends List via your Trainer Profile to kickoff adding friends by either their Trainer Code or QR Lawmaking.
Once y'all're friends, you can get-go sending gifts to each other, which slowly increase your Friendship Level.

Once y'all become Proficient Friends, y'all tin can start trading Pokémon.
There are two different classes of Pokémon trades - Standard, which covers near every Pokémon in the Pokédex, and Special, which includes Legendary and Shiny Pokémon and other rare trades that cease players filling up their Pokedex with zero attempt. The higher the Friendship level, the higher the Stardust discount.

Each merchandise costs a specific amount of Stardust to consummate, with Special Trades costing significantly more. If yous're Friendship Level is high enough, nevertheless, y'all'll receive a Stardust disbelieve.
Meanwhile, you can now appoint in Trainer Battles.
You lot either boxing fellow Trainers by either scanning their QR code or, if you lot're Ultra or All-time Friends, y'all tin can battle them at a distance. If you want some exercise beforehand, you can accept practice battles with the leaders of Team Valor, Mystic and Instinct.
There are three leagues for you to choose from, each with their own CP cap, giving players a chance to put their entire collection to the exam.
It's faster than ever to level up in Pokémon Get
Your Trainer Level marks your overall progress in Pokémon Go, with higher levels giving you access to rarer Pokémon, new items and Pokémon with higher CP levels. You also receive a bundle of items every time you level upward, including PokéBalls and Eggs Incubators.
I of the best new ways to quickly gain experience for your Trainer Level is to have a long list of friends you tin send gifts to every day. This will chop-chop level up your various Friendship Levels and, with every new Friendship Level accomplished, you'll receive a large corporeality of experience at the end.
Despite this, the Trainer level is yet capped at Level 40, however!
Gym Contesting and Raids in Pokémon Go
Gyms are the home of two very important activities in Pokémon Go - Gym Battles and Raids.
Like PokéStops, Gyms are scattered beyond the map and has a specific colour depending on which Team is currently holding information technology - blue for Mystic, red for Valor and yellow for Instinct.
If you're team is protecting a Gym, then yous can add a Pokémon to its defense squad. Depending on how long your Pokémon guards the Gym for, you'll be rewarded with some PokéCoins.
You can also support your young man teammates by feeding their Pokémon Berries, increasing their motivation to stay defending the Gym.
If a rival team is holding a Gym, however, you can battle their Pokémon until they're all knocked out, granting yous the power to take over the Gym.

Gyms are as well where Raids take place.
Raids are when you can fight a specific Pokémon, by yourself or every bit part of a team, with the hope that, once its defeated, you'll be able to catch information technology.
The Pokémon available in Raids regularly change and can be anything from a Legendary Pokémon, like Entei, to a terrifyingly large Magikarp. At that place are also special Raid events, such as Raid Hour, where certain Pokémon are more likely to appear.
How to catch them all in Pokémon Go
Permit'southward not forget, however, the most of import part of Pokémon Go - catching those Pokémon.
Pokémon are everywhere in Pokémon Go, but what if you're looking for a specific 1? Well, now the game has multiple means to assistance you lot fill in that Pokédex entry.

Yous can use radars to track down Pokémon - only open up up the 'Nearby' page, select your called Pokémon and then printing the picture of the Pokémon feet. A little marking volition so appear above the PokéStop this Pokémon is spawning at.
There are now also a range of unlike Lures you lot tin add to PokéStops to bring Pokémon to you. The Glacial Lure, for example, attracts Ice type Pokémon, with the added bonus of allowing you lot to evolve Eevee into Glaceon.
Meanwhile, both weather and location also bear on the Pokémon that spawn around you lot. Sure Pokémon, such as Lotad, will only appear when it rains. While other Pokémon are more likely to appear when your in a specific location; Grass Type Pokémon are more likely to appear in a forest, for case.
Finally, you likewise uncover new Pokémon by hatching eggs. Each egg is hatch by walking a specific distance, from 2 km, 5 km and 10 km eggs, including 7km, which are received in the gifts your friends transport you.
Each egg type has a prepare listing of Pokémon that can be institute from hatching it and, depending on in-game events, sometimes sure Pokémon are more probable to hatch than others. We have a full list of all the Pokémon you lot can hatch from each type of egg to help you lot decide which eggs to focus on.
Eggs are besides the merely manner you tin discover baby Pokémon, then if y'all're missing their Pokédex entries - it's time to get walking!

You will always have ane Incubator that y'all can use as many times as you similar. If desire more, even so, you lot'll take to either unlock them, by levelling up or completing Special Enquiry tasks, or purchase them from the in-game shop using PokéCoins.
Find regionally exclusive Pokémon in Pokémon Get
There are some creatures that are fifty-fifty rarer even so. Regionally exclusive Pokémon are exactly what they sound similar - Pokémon that can merely be found in specific regions throughout the world.
Farfetch'd, for example, can simply exist constitute in Japan and South Korea, while Tauros makes its home in Due north America. Some are a footling more complex - Carnivine just appears in Florida and its surrounding states, due to being tied to the hot swampland found there.

While some sectional Pokémon have rotated their regions, such as Lunatone and Solrock, the simply real fashion to take hold of regional Pokémon is to either visit their location, to exercise a special trade with someone who has - or attend one of the game's annual Go Fests, which sees them spawn their particularly for attendees.
The Theory of Pokémon Development
To complete your Pokédex, you'll likewise want to make sure your evolving as many Pokémon as possible.
To evolve nigh Pokémon you just need to have a certain amount of that Pokémon's specific Processed. This is usually:
- 25 or 50 Candy if the Pokémon only evolve once
- 12 Candy for the commencement development stage if the Pokemon tin exist hands found, e.g. Pidgey
- 50 Candy for the second
- 25 Processed for the first evolution stage
- fifty Candy for the second
- 400 for Magikarp to Gyarados / Wailmer to Wailord / Swablu to Altaria

In that location are, however, some Pokémon that take special circumstances surrounding their evolution.

That first that comes to mind is, of form, Eevee.
Eevee tin randomly evolve into one of seven different Pokémon, but in that location are some tricks to help you control this evolution. This includes using either the Mossy Lure or Glacial Lure to evolve Eevee into Leafeon or Glaceon or using the one-off naming trick to decide what Eevee should evolve into.
Tyrogue, Feebas, Clamperl and Burmy as well take special evolution conditions - for instance, Tyrogue chooses its evolution depending on its stats, while Feebas requires you to have walked over twenty km with it every bit your buddy.
At that place are as well a range of special items that volition let you to evolve specific Pokémon. Y'all tin can receive these items from spinning PokéStop or completing Special Research Tasks. The Sinnoh Stone, however, is only available from contesting other Trainers or a Inquiry Breakthrough.
The current special development items in Pokémon Go are:
- Dragon Scale
- Male monarch's Rock
- Metallic Glaze
- Sinnoh Stone
- Sunday Stone
- Up-Grade
Discover new Pokémon forms - from shinies to lucky versions
A diverseness of Pokémon now have a selection of different forms for you to collect and show off in Gyms.
The large 1 is patently Shiny Pokémon. But similar in the main game series, Shiny Pokémon are Pokémon with a different colour palette to what that Pokémon typically has. The most famous instance is, of course, Red Gyarados.
Thank you to their rarity, Shiny Pokémon are incredibly collectable, especially the Legendary versions. Niantic is slowly adding in Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go - at the pace of 2-3 a month, and usually around new themed events - so make sure you keep your eyes out.
Yous can also find Alolan Pokémon. Alolan Forms are special version of a select group of Gen i Pokémon that were released for Pokémon Sun and Moon. Both their physical appearance and types are quite unlike from their original versions. Alolan Ninetails, for example, is an Ice Type.
Elsewhere, certain creatures debuted in the game with several different forms. Castform and Cherrim change depending on the weather, while Burmy and Wormadam change depending on the location you find them in.

Finally, there are Lucky Pokémon, which are but available through trading with your friends. Lucky Pokémon have a gilded aureola surrounding them and the Stardust required to power it up is reduced by 50%.
Pokémon Photobomb Pokémon Go's Snapshot feature
Snapshot mode allows you to take photos with your Pokémon thanks to the magic of AR. In one case in a while, however, you might notice yourself being photobombed past Smeargle.
This is currently the only way to catch Smeargle in Pokémon Go. Pikachu has also been known to photobomb pictures to celebrate special events, such every bit the release of Detective Pikachu.
You can finally hatch Eggs and collect Buddy Candy without having the app open

Adventure Sync is a new feature in Pokémon Go that allows the Pokémon Go app to link to either the iOS Health or Google Fit app on your iPhone or Android. Meaning that, even if Pokémon Become is closed, information technology can notwithstanding record your steps and distance travelled.
This allows Pokémon Become to hatch eggs and collect Processed from your Pokémon Buddy without even having to open the app.
Adventure Sync volition also reward you depending on how far you've walked each week. At that place are rewards for walking up to more than 5 km, 25 km and fifty km.
It'due south well worth practising your Curveballs
Throwing, and catching, a Pokémon in a Curveball will grant you some extra experience and arrive easier to take hold of difficult creatures - such as those in Raids or Shadow Pokémon encounters.
Curveballs are PokéBalls you've spun before throwing and and then, upon their release, curve in the management you've rotated them in. A PokéBall rotated clockwise, for example, will curve in a clockwise direction.
The trick to throwing Curveball is the starting by rotating the PokéBall around. You lot then want to drag the PokéBall downwards into the left-hand corner of the screen, continuing the spinning motion, and so release it when the PokéBall is at the same height as the Pokémon.
Assuming the Pokémon doesn't move, the PokéBall should land on target.
Below you can watch YouTuber MegaToysCollector prove the L-throw technique in action:
You tin can also receive extra bonuses for Nice, Keen and Excellent catches, which are achieved by throwing PokéBalls within a shrinking circle.
Your team choice is no longer permanent
When y'all reach Trainer Level v yous'll be able to bring together one of 3 teams - Team Mystic, Team Instinct and Team Valor.

These teams exist to allow trainers to compete for the different Gyms; defending the ones they have taken over and attacking the one held by the rival teams. Yous as well receive more Premier Assurance after a successful raid if yous fought alongside your fellow teammates.
The differences between Teams basically comes downward to color and your option of leader. (Spark, the leader of Team Instinct, dabs if that makes a difference.)
Though at launch your squad pick was fixed, in 2019 information technology was fabricated possible to change them by purchasing a Team Medallion from the in-game shop. Brand this decision wisely, notwithstanding, as not only does the Squad Medallion cost m PokéCoins, but you just buy ane every 365 days (a full twelvemonth).
Information technology's worth getting a steady supply of PokeCoins
PokéCoins are the in-game - and premium - currency for Pokémon Become.

You can either purchase PokéCoins with actual coin from the in-game store or y'all tin can earn them by having your Pokémon defend a Gym.
For every 10 minutes your Pokémon is in a Gym, you will earn 1 PokéCoin. The cap is 50 PokéCoins per solar day, and you receive those PokéCoins when your Pokémon leaves the Gym.
If you lot play Pokémon Go along Android, you lot'll be able to employ promo codes to download some free PokéCoins. Sadly, thanks to Apple, this feature is not available on iOS.
PokéCoins are perhaps most useful for upgrading your Pocketbook Storage and your Pokémon Storage.They can also be used to buy corrective items for your Trainer, Lure Modules, Egg Incubators, items, similar extra PokéBalls, and much more.
New to the game is a long overdue Mega Evolution update, which has arrived alongside the A Mega Moment research. May 2022 in Pokémon Go includes the Water Festival, which celebrates the release of Dewpider and Araquanid. Tapu Fini has also been released alongside A Poni Take a chance - the last Alola region-themed special research quest. Currently both the Ultra League and Element Cup are running in the Go Boxing League. Elsewhere, nosotros've recently seen the release of more than Gen 7 Pokémon equally function of the Season of Alola. The first details surrounding Go Fest 2022 have also been announced, including the event date.
Other Tips and Tricks for Pokémon Go
Here is a quick pick of tips and tricks that will help you in your Pokémon Go chance:
- Oasis't started playing Pokémon Go all the same? Want a Pikachu as your Starter Pokémon? Well, read this guide to find out how to make Pikachu the showtime Pokémon in your Pokédex.
- Can't find Ditto even after yous've caught virtually every Pidgey in existence? And then read our guide on how to find Ditto, including a listing of all the Pokémon it likes to pretend to exist.
- There are a variety of Progress Medals in Pokémon Go, which you can level up. Some unlock cosmetic items for buy, while others provide catch bonuses.
- Use the Favourite Arrangement to prevent yourself from accidentally mass transferring a Pokémon. Any Pokémon which has been favorited can't be transferred.
- Powering up a Pokémon volition heal all its HP, even if its fainted! But remember - it will still use Processed and Stardust.
- You can organise your Pokémon Storage to help you observe certain Pokémon a lot faster. The options include 'Recently Defenseless', past 'Number', by 'CP', amid others.
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